Nucleus colony
5-Frame Nuc
Our 5-frame nuc includes a mated, marked and proven first-year queen. Originally of Carniolan stock, our queens are open mated here at Little Wren Farm apiary and selected for traits including overwintering success, health, gentleness, and honey production. At pick-up, each 5-frame nuc includes a nucleus colony with a mated, proven, and marked queen; at least 2 frames of her own brood; and 3 frames that provide a mix of food (nectar, honey, pollen/bee bread), brood, and space / foundation for expansion. Our 5-frame nucs are sold in waxed, cardboard nuc boxes. At pick-up, nuc boxes are plugged and banded for transport. Our nucs are only available for curbside pick-up at Little Wren Farm. After your nuc order is confirmed, you will receive an email from Little Wren Farm to coordinate pick-up date and time. We require that you wear a veil for pick-up. Please see the Description section below for additional information regarding pick-up and installation of nucs. Important Note: After a nuc leaves our apiary, we cannot be responsible for the colony, including queen health or performance, but we’re always very happy to answer questions or share advice. Please don't hesitate to drop us a line if you run into questions.        
$180.00 Add to cart
Queen and Worker Bees on Frame
Originally of Carniolan stock, our queens are northern-bred hybrids open mated here at the Little Wren Farm apiary from lines selected for traits including overwintering success, health, gentleness, and honey production. Prior to sale, our queens are mated and proven - demonstrating a good pattern of worker brood over a minimum of two weeks. Unless otherwise stated in our correspondence with you, our queens are first-year queens, mated in the year of sale. Each is marked with the standard color of the year (in 2024, this is green). This items is only available for curbside pick-up at Little Wren Farm. After your order is confirmed, you will receive an email from Little Wren Farm to coordinate pick-up date and time. Important Note: After a queen leaves our apiary, we cannot be responsible for queen health or performance, but we’re always very happy to answer questions or share advice. Please don't hesitate to drop us a line if you run into questions.
$40.00 Add to cart